Villa Mescolanza works with many associations.
Below you will find a list of all the different associations.
The following associations work together with Villa Mescolanza:
BWR for all (Belgian Web Radio): want web radio on the internet to promote integration
The Key : for ladies from different cultures with dialogue as the key
IFSC (international Foundation of Street Children): helps street children
SCTO (Surinamese Contact Group Turnhout & Surroundings): association for people from Suriname
SHIO (Sudanese Hause International Organization): Association for Sudanese
AIF + (Active Intercultural Federation +): umbrella organization recognized by the Flemish Community
0486 / 75.59.47
MIV (Multicultural Islamic Association): working on projects that contribute to society
In addition, we also work together with the OCMW, CAW, Center for Basic Education, 'T Antwoord, Diversity Service of the city of Turnhout, ...
Villa Mescolanza
39 Begijnenstraat
2300 Turnhout
0488 55 93 51